Friday, January 13, 2017

Do you know eating certain foods at wrong hours are harming your health...

                                      Eating healthy shouldn't be complicated

            But there's a right time to eat every food and a wrong time for some of them

                     Below, are the foods that if eaten at wrong hours can harm your body!

I. Sugar

Sugar is essential for your body to create energy to survive. It should be consumed in the morning. This is so because it will provide you with all the energy you need during the day.

Worst time to eat sugar is at Night.

Because, consuming sugar at night will only increase your body fat since your physical activity is low at this time of the day.

Too much sugar in the diet also leads to elevated levels of stress hormone cortisol and stimulates the production of inflammatory prostaglandins. 

This creates a vicious cycle and high levels of blood sugar stimulate the release of cortisol, which in turn causes more sugar cravings

As a result, you develop a “sweet tooth” and gain weight at the same time. Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can affect your health negatively in the long term.

II. Apple

Eating apples in the morning is like eating gold, while eating an apple in the evening is more like eating poison.

Apples are a rich source of fiber which helps to smoothen the bowel function, to prevent constipation and also to eliminate carcinogens from the body.

However, when an apple is eaten in the evening, the very same fiber which helps with bowel movements actually puts a burden on the intestinal digestive functions.

In addition, organic acids inside apples can increase your stomach acid beyond your comfortable level. With all these ill side effects, it’s not advised to eat apples after dinner or during night time.

Do you know that most of us are throwing the treasure away without awareness? The treasures come from the skins of foods. Before you toss away your fruit peel, consider the benefits they can offer your health

III. Banana

Bananas are a source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium and vitamin C.

It is very helpful in the digestion process.

It keeps your energy high during the day.

Also, it is a perfect food you should consume before exercising.

But be sure eating a banana on an empty stomach at night can lead to stomach troubles since it is very high in magnesium.

IV. Milk

Milk occupies a special place in Ayurveda. It is heralded for its nutritional properties that we cannot get from any other food item.

The potassium in milk helps to protect the heart and maintain blood pressure. Milk is a good hydration fluid. The milk solids nourish and smoothen the skin when applied externally. The lactic acid removes dead skin cells.

Milk takes a long time to digest and might make you feel lethargic. If you drink milk at night, your body will be relaxed which will enable the cells to absorb the nutrients effectively, while you are resting.

Look fabulous and stay healthy with this magic ingredient in your drink.

V. Rice

The health benefits of rice include its ability to provide fast and instant energy, regulate and improve bowel movements, stabilize blood sugar levels, and slow down the aging process, while also providing an essential source of vitamin B1 to the human body.

While our metabolism rate is much higher during the day rather than in the night. And this will give you a chance to use up the carbohydrates. That is why morning is the best time for consuming rice.

Also, rice is high in starch content. Eating rice at night will leave your stomach bloated through the night also it takes longer to digest, consuming it at night will promote weight gain.

To keep your body at healthy weight level, you need to give your metabolism rate a boost. A proper diet consisting of healthy foods can help keep your metabolism as efficient as well.

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